Ladies and Gentlemen, the day is upon us. Look around you. Look at the left, scratching at the bars of their cage like rabid dogs, ready to be loosed and tear apart what’s left of American civilization. I challenge you, now, to look upon the visage of the left and see upon it a single remnant of the ideals that they preach so loudly and practice so little. When will we pass the tolerable threshold? Find it within yourself and be firm. Find it within yourself and be prepared to see where society has gone to those dogs.
Do you have a child in the public educational system today, Ladies and Gentlemen? Your child has almost certainly been thrown to the dogs. Are you staying vigilant against the lies that they are going to try to put into their heads all the way through that long journey through education? Because not only will they try it, but they will try it in a thousand different, inventive, cloying ways. They will sidle up to their young prey in all friendliness, they will teach it not challenge their thoughts and beliefs, they will reward it for conforming, ladies and gentleman. And when your child is vulnerable, they will devour their mind and destroy them if you don’t stand guard. While your child may have to lie to make it through with a worthy GPA, watch carefully for the signs of rot, for it is difficult to be immersed in the pit of liberal acid without the tiniest puncture. Arm yourself, be firm, KNOW the facts. They await only your slip in vigilance.
Do you know how to find the facts, ladies and gentlemen? It’s all to easy to let yourself slip to the dogs. The left, like hell spawn, are endlessly inventive in their temptations and tricks. But if you DO look for the truth, you will find that, usually, you don’t have to look far. Half the arguments the left makes have a critical logical flaw you can yank to collapse them. Nine tenths of what remains is based on imaginary or fabricated evidence (Like Dan Rather’s typewriter produced document complete with impossible fonts, or Al Gore’s “Hockey Stick Graph” which didn’t pass Monte Carlo analysis). After that, of course, we get the arguments from the experts. But I encourage you to take heart. I’ve heard many, many incredibly convincing arguments from the left over the ages, and still the truth lies in wait. Look for the giveaways where the mask slips: the contradictions, the things they DON’T say. Look for the evidence based in communist doctrine, or equally atrocious fallacies. The dogs will bay loudly, and it’s easy to be distracted when they go for the throat.
But why do the dogs bay? They have found a master. Even now, a wolf enters the fold of America. He is like the dogs, but handsomer, more hypnotic, more deadly and unpredictable. A malignant force only now tamed by the democratic party… while it suits him. He let them collar him, give him a logo, emblazon his tag with a donkey and a stylized O. But, Ladies and Gentlemen, HOW tamed? Have you heard those speeches? Have you heard about the encouragements for violence at the polls, have you heard that the Straight-Talk Express (Where McCain and Palin are touring) was shot at? If you hadn’t, then now is the time to start thinking. Does THAT sound tamed to you? Or are we looking now at the wolf growling, preparing with its threat for the moment when it will unleash its wrath? We already know that he’s deeply embroiled in Acorn, which has the single largest amount of Registration fraud existent. How long, Ladies and Gentleman? How much will we be warned, and given time to react? Where is your limit, and when you reach it, will it be too late?
We are in an awkward position at this moment. We can start by voting for McCain and Palin. We can start by staying psychologically strong. No matter how they fabricate the polls, no matter how much the golden wolf shines, remember that they cannot get stronger unless they pull you in. That they depend on you, the same way a pack might surround a victim to keep them from believing they can fight back or escape. Because in the end, and here I speak to all, it will not matter which side you’re on. Those who argue for the institution of communism, for the restriction of rights, are abusing those selfsame rights to do so. When one possesses a great deal of freedom, it is in the spirit of flexibility for those times when adaptations must be made, and NOT for unrelenting opposition of the way things are generally accepted in society merely because you can. It is the alternative for the much promoted restriction of rights, and those who use freedom to advocate restriction forget that if their policy were true, then there would always be some action, somewhere, that they would pay for. Advocacy of something doesn’t mean you’re immune to the program, as many a Nazi or Communist found out as the policies of their own doctrine became more and more paranoid. And think about THAT when you’re in that poll booth… like a cloistered confessional, you alone with your thoughts and with your ethics and with the choice. And remember that the wolf is still only growling, and remember the cost we are already paying at the hands of one man’s deluded sense of grandeur. Remember the violence, threats, and vandalism we have ALREADY seen, and then think for a moment about what would happen if the wolf actually got REAL power.
Because an election is just a coin toss now. We all know that the shows that McCain and Palin have been on have had the highest ratings in their set so far. We’re all, I hope, by this time aware that trusting a poll from the MSM is on par with handing a demon a blank contract with your signature (which the democrats are trying even now, incidentally). But if you think you’ve seen cheating with JFK, if you think you saw it with Al Gore, then I can all but guarantee that what they will pull this time will make that look like having a four up your sleeve in penny-ante poker. The Dogs want their master. They foam at the mouth and they convulse and they spit and they beg to be given the country to mangle in their jaws. We have to resist. Vote against, speak against, stand against the left, and put down the rabid dog of the left before it harms another innocent. Because how many more children will it take, how many more lies must be told, how many more crimes must be advocated before there is no more time, no more space, no more victims?
I don’t ask that you be callous, or violent. Remember that the dog is infected, that it has picked up a disease from others. Feel free to block the source, as you would any illness, where it breeds in schools and agencies. But by the same token, give it no quarter. It is an illness, not a guarantee of innocence. The infection is too deep for a cure. Now, we must contain it, prevent its spread, and let it whither.
We must keep the wolf out of the Fold.
It’s Purim …
3 hours ago
1 comment:
You certainly see what has happened in the urban quadrant of the reeducation camps. Illiterate, uneducated racists, singing paeans to their god Obama. Nice doggie. Here's a sweet marshmallowy Christian for you to gnaw on.
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