I am among one of the many who sojourned, this weekend, to the movie theaters to see perhaps the most phenomenal movie to appear in theaters in at least the last half decade: yes, gentle readers, I refer to “An American Carol”, which has the impressive honor of being one of the few movies not be leaning further left then Marx’s member. I have to say, right away, that it warms my heart to see that - even if the punches are few and far between - some people are still willing to stand up for the fight. Some of the observations made by this film reveal startlingly obvious faults in the left. When we meet them in real life, these faults inevitably lead those of us not partaking of the koolaid to abandon all hope of identifying a single unindoctrinated brain cell in our opposition; let alone one viable for surviving the introduction of some facts (particularly since, more often then not, the poor things have been starved of all contact with reality from the earliest age, and the shock can be fatal). But when these observations appear on the silver screen, the feeling is not unlike that that must have come over the American revolutionaries when the French finally sailed into sight. And so, let me deliver this all important message which we have been so long awaiting: “We are not alone. We have not stopped fighting. We can still deliver the truth. We ARE still delivering the truth.”
These courageous actors, doubtlessly, are all fully aware that Hollywood, which is dead rotten, (An open secret, and no mistake) is going to blacklist them. They’ve sacrificed an awful lot, for what? To remind those of us living in the darkness – many of us with jobs and lives dependent on lying about who we are, most of us with little or no friend in the common media, even more of us becoming frustrated, enraged, and depressed as the democrats prepare to make good on their evergreen promise to transform America into a proper little communist state with the help of their golden boy – that even in this dark hour there are still some willing to shine the light of truth. Forget the ostracism from the left. The left would ostracize a man for saving a baby from death (perhaps quite literally, considering their general views on abortion and overpopulation) if he happened to be wearing a McCain campaign button. But Ladies and Gentlemen, if the left knew what it was saying, it wouldn’t be saying it. Especially given this political climate, even a humble humor movie can take it’s place among the famous messengers of history, and these actors have taken a heroic action on our behalf. But what are going to do with it now, gentlereaders? We have been given the opportunity, and now I ask you to dig within yourself and tell me: Are we going to let this sacrifice bloom and fade, are or we going to take the initiative, wake up, and let this be a turn of the tide, rather then a noble last stand?
Here’s the truth. The cold truth is that the left, having permeated into education at every level, and having insinuated itself into businesses and politics so that it is nearly an integral part of the operation, WANTS you to do the former. They WANT you to be quiet, to sit down, to shut up, to do ANYTHING, ladies and gentlemen, except expose their most basic fallacy, their absolutely disgusting claim that all intellectuals and scientifically savvy members of the community are leftist (Trolls, I see that thought forming in your head, and your fingers moving towards those keys… and I would think twice if I were you). The next time you are sunk in the depths of despair and isolation, remember that those feelings are exactly the way the left want you feeling, and that those key positions of power that they take over are designed to cow the people under them, until you either accept their ideals, or expose yourself. And they’re counting on the fear of your colleagues, your friends, even, for our younger readers, your classmates, to enforce their power. That’s precisely what this movie wants to remind us of. Close to the end, Josh, as he is preparing to ship off with the Navy, says the words that need to speak to all of our hearts, when we finally face the realities of our situation. “Welcome to the fight. This time, I know we’ll win.”
Ladies and Gentlemen, this movie hits all the points the left hates to see hit, and that’s why they swarmed all over the web even BEFORE this movie came out to weigh in against it. Points like, “Terrorism is a real problem, and terrorists are pretty much guaranteed to be Muslim.” Points like “The line that limits freedom is common sense, and the left is tap dancing thirty yards over it.” Points like “The number of major historical instances where a treaty solved SQUAT are easily counted on one hand,” and in the corollary quote “You can’t come to middle terms with people who want you either dead or subjugated. Compromise is what happens when someone has breathing room in their ideals, and Islam is not a religion that encourages much middle ground”. Points like “education is filled with liberals, and the liberals are turning out by the cartload ill-prepared college students capable only of parroting their teachers.” These points are the sworn enemies of the left. They encourage people to perform the minimal level of thought needed to leave the party, so their survival depends on people not thinking them. And I realize, believe me, that I ask a lot, when I say that we can’t continue to live in the shadows, that we can’t continue to live in fear. But after all that the sixties generation has ruined, what does our civil responsibility, what does our moral conscience ask that we do? Shall we let them go on, Ladies and Gentlemen? We can play the fun game where we get to see if they’ll first: flood this country with Mexican immigrants until their subculture assimilates and destroys ours OR manage to elect a maniac charismatic enough to do the whole job single-handedly? Greater Mexico, or wait for the O-bomb to drop? (Of course, I realize this is an overgeneralization; in fact, the left have a hundred OTHER little ways to screw us over. These are just the most obvious.)
No. unequivocally , undeniably, no. If we accept complacently, we sink to their level, and that is too deep to convey with conventional English. This movie may gratify your soul, may give you the courage and stamina to soldier on, but it also gives you your target. It gives us our mission. It tells us to go forth, to live according to the ideals of truth no matter the cost. Can we all afford it? Oh, heavens, no. I know that. So many of us have daughters, sons, wives, husbands, to support, to protect. We’re entering into a full fledged struggle now, ladies and gentlemen, and we can’t just ignore our burdens. I empathize. But at the same time, we cannot leave these movie theaters unchanged. Even if your action or rebellion is small, MAKE IT. The time is behind us when we can afford to hide. “if you’ve got it, flaunt it.”: and you have the truth, readers. Trust me, it may seem like very little, but be it an anonymous posting online, be it volunteering to man phones, be it any of a number of such small but important actions, you need to make it. Because if we do not, then the absolute certainty is that the left will win. And the absolute certainty is that their victory will signify the onset of the greatest tragedy to liberty and justice in the history of our planet.
If you do nothing else, please, please, see this movie, send others to see it, go multiple times. Drive the point into Hollywood’s head, with a hammer if you have to.
“Welcome to the fight.”
Those Dying Swans
4 hours ago
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